
Nowadays bladder cancer is the ninth most common malignancy globally, with an estimated 430.000 new diagnoses annually, while it has the highest lifetime treatment costs per patient of all cancers.

AIR3D will validate the business potential of the automatic 3D imaging reconstruction software developed by EDIT FET . The new software allows real-time, fast, non-invasive 3D visualization of key information on the bladder with a user friendly interaction with the operator.

The successful adoption of the software by the market will improve early diagnosis of cancer and better monitoring of the efficacy of ongoing therapies (more accurate and precise 3D images available immediately), with both societal and economic impact by improving the quality of life of millions of people while reducing social and care centres costs in image processing (no high-skilled personnel needed).

Thanks to AIR3D, LIME and OSR will be supported by META Group to define the best exploitation model for the commercialisation of the novel solution and to validate it the pre-commercial prototype, testing it at early adopters’ premises to pave the way towards scale up and clinical development.


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Lime Technology IKE

IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele

META Group